- 18000+ full-text scholarly journals, magazines, dissertations, newspapers, reports, and nursing training videos
- Topics include business, psychology, health, nursing, history, science and technology, the arts, literature, and language
MLA International Bibliography with Full Text
From the Modern Language Association (MLA) and EBSCO, this resource combines an extensive collection of 789 full-text journals for the study and teaching of language, literature, linguistics, rhetoric, writing studies, folklore, film, theater, and other dramatic arts.
- Contains 684 core journals in humanities and social sciences including economics, history, political science, sociology, ecology, mathematics, and statistics
- All journals are scholarly, most are peer-reviewed
- Important: Choose Advanced Search and check the box next to Include only content I can access.
Science Direct: Health and Life Sciences Collection
- Over 1,100 scientific journals
- Health Sciences include medicine, dentistry, nursing, and veterinary science & medicine
- Life Sciences includes biology, biochemistry, environmental science, microbiology, and neuroscience
- Important: Click on Advanced Search and check Subscribed Journals under Refine Your Search.
Exploring Race in Society
- Thousands of full-text articles from academic journals
- Offers essential content covering important issues related to race in society today. Essays, articles, reports and other reliable sources provide an in-depth look at the history of race and provide critical context for learning more about topics associated with race, ethnicity, diversity and inclusiveness, and Indigenous communities.
News articles covering topics in government, politics, social issues, culture, literature discoveries, inventions, and more from hundreds of primary sources. Once connected to the page, you can choose to search “America’s Historical Newspapers (1690 – 2000)”, “Access World News”, or “Access World News – Historical and Current”. Descriptions for each product are given when you go to the page.
APA PsycNet
Access APA (American Psychological Association) PsycArticles through their search platform called APA PsycNet. APA PsycArticles gives full-text access to content from 119 APA-published and affiliated journals.
American Veterinary Medical Association Publications (including JAMVA)
- This database is only available for use while on campus due to IP restrictions.
- This free veterinary medicine database contains research articles, technical tutorial videos, AMVA bulletins, and podcasts.
Search in the Library’s journal databases below for full-text articles on your research topics. Click on the resource name or logo below to access the search screen. Remember to specify Full Text and Scholarly and/or Peer Reviewed publications as needed.
If you are off-campus, use EasyLogin (your email login and password).
Tip: To check if we have online access to a specific journal, enter its title in the Journal & Ebooks box in the lower left of this page.
- Choose EBSCOHost to search thousands of multidisciplinary full text journals and newspapers.
Video Tutorial EBSCOHost Help Guide
MLA International Bibliography with Full Text
From the Modern Language Association (MLA) and EBSCO, this resource combines an extensive collection of 789 full-text journals for the study and teaching of language, literature, linguistics, rhetoric, writing studies, folklore, film, theater, and other dramatic arts.
- 18000+ full-text scholarly journals, magazines, dissertations, newspapers, reports, and nursing training videos
- Topics include business, psychology, health, nursing, history, science and technology, the arts, literature, and language
Video Tutorial ProQuest Help Guide
- Contains 684 core journals in humanities and social sciences including economics, history, political science, sociology, ecology, mathematics, and statistics
- All journals are scholarly, most are peer-reviewed
- Important: Choose Advanced Search and check the box next to Include only content I can access.
Video Tutorial JSTOR Help Guide
Science Direct: Health and Life Sciences Collection
- Over 1,100 scientific journals
- Health Sciences include medicine, dentistry, nursing, and veterinary science & medicine
- Life Sciences includes biology, biochemistry, environmental science, microbiology, and neuroscience
- Important: Click on Advanced Search and check Subscribed Journals under Refine Your Search.
News articles covering topics in government, politics, social issues, culture, literature discoveries, inventions, and more from hundreds of primary sources. Once connected to the page, you can choose to search “America’s Historical Newspapers (1690 – 2000)”, “Access World News”, or “Access World News – Historical and Current”. Descriptions for each product are given when you go to the page.
APA PsycNet
Access APA (American Psychological Association) PsycArticles through their search platform called APA PsycNet. APA PsycArticles gives full-text access to content from 119 APA-published and affiliated journals.